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Selectmen's Minutes March 18, 1997
           Minutes of March 18, 1997 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Present: Judith Murdoch; Peter Jones and Catherine
Kuchinski, Chair and Clerk of the Board with Joseph Nugent,
Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.  Selectman Charles
Flynn arrived at 7:40pm.

I. Open: Kuchinski called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.

II. Update on Zoning Issues - Planning Board, Zoning Board of
Appeals and Building Inspector.  Present were Phil Lindquist,
Chairman of the Planning Board; Noreen O'Toole, Town Planner; and
Sam Germaine, Building Inspector. Several (10) business people
were also in the audience.  Linquist handed over an undated memo
on the items of his discussion this evening addressing the
elements necessary for updating the Master Plan properly for the
Town. Lindquist gave a history of the Planning board's activity
since 1988 which was the last revamping of aspects necessary for
the Master Plan.  O'Toole updated the Board on her aspects on
various issues and offered opinions on issues raised by Selectmen
Jones and Flynn.  One issue being the Transportation Grant for
Infrastructure which needs input from the Highway Surveyor and
the other being the development of any zoning changes for the
Route 27 area especially in light of the impending arrival of the
MBTA. Kuchinski requested a list of the members of the
subcommittee for addressing the route 27 zoning issue.  Germaine
addressed the Board as the Zoning Officer.  He noted that he has
been attempting to clean-up past zoning violations and feels he
has been successful in that area.  He has two potential zoning
changes for which he has not received any support from the Zoning
Board of Appeals or the Planning Board.  The issues are on
signage size and possible A-frame sign permits.  Kuchinski
requested he give the Board the proposed changes in writing and
then requested Nugent to obtain background info (minutes or
decisions) from the two boards on this issue.  Nugent noted that
signage and zoning implementation appear to be the issue and
issued a challenged to business owners to be part of the
solution.  Jones would like to see a "capture" of the impacts to
his proposed changes which can be overlooked until its too late.
This issue is to be revisited weekly by the Board until some
closure can be done.

III. Close warrant for May 5, 1997 Annual Town Meeting at
Memorial Auditorium at the Indian Head School:  27 articles have
been submitted for consideration to the warrant.  Articles will
be reviewed and will be placed on the April 1, 1997 for
placement, consideration for support and assignment of
presentation by selectmen.  Motion 3/18/97.1: move that the Board
of Selectmen close the warrant for the May 5, 1997 Annual Town
Meeting. Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion
carried 4-0.  

IV. Presentation - Town Hall Feasibility Study Committee:
Present were Jay Walter as Chair of the Committee and the
architect Anthony DiMarinisi.  Fellow committee members are
Angelo Nuby, Larry Morrill with assistance from MaryLou Sutter
and Joe Nugent.  The Committee has accepted the study as
presented by the architect and are now in line for the
preliminary scheme to be priced for presentation to Town Meeting.
The Board was given a copy of the study and were shown drawings
of the three story proposed addition to Town Hall which would
address all ADA requirements, site code updating and the needs of
meetings held at the Town Hall.  The cost appears to be in the
range of 1 million to 1.2 million which also includes several ADA
issues at other Town buildings. Nugent discussed borrowing the
monies "within house."  Additional issues raised this evening
included a structure for concerts, cable camera access issues,
various options for types of siding for the building including
the notation that Mass. Historical Society might have matching
grant opportunities for restoration of the outside siding of the
main building.  Walter and committee will be working towards
making a presentation at an upcoming Town Meeting.  The Committee
and architect were complimented on their efforts and

V. Wage and Personnel: Charles O'Donnell, Chairman of the Wage
and Personnel Board addressed the Board on his committee's plan
to recommend establishing an Administrative Supervisory
professional category in the By-law which would include the
positions of Town Account, Building Inspector, Treasurer /
Collector and Director of Elder Affairs which would leave the
secretaries to the police chief and Board of Selectmen in an
Administrative non-supervisory category.  His committee is also
looking to establish a performance evaluation procedure for these
positions based on the tool already being used by selectmen for
the executive secretary and police positions.  The format of the
tool and the exact procedure to be followed (one selectman or
entire board to have input) to be further discussed.  Nugent to
work with O'Donnell to develop format.

VI. County Issues - set meeting for County Officials to attend:
Kuchinski summed up the meeting attended by Selectmen Jones,
Flynn and Kuchinski at the Halifax Country Club.  County
Commissioners have requested time on our local agenda in order to
make the case against abolishing county government and it will
behoove selectmen to have discussion with the commissioners
regarding their request to no longer pay the approximate $22,000
payment in lieu of taxes on the county property on High Street.
Kuchinski requested Nugent to contact the assessors for their
information on this issue and to make sure they know the meeting
date for which the commissioners will attend a selectmen's
meeting.  Nugent to contact the commissioners' office and
schedule them to attend a meeting in April.  

VII. Vote 1997 Lodging house license: Based upon fire, health and
building inspection reports, officials are advising that
necessary repairs have been made.  Motion 3/18/97.2: move that
the Selectmen issue and sign a border house lodging license for
Hanson Court Manor at 748 Whitman Street to be effective through
December 31, 1997.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.
Motion carried 4-0.

VIII. Senior Volunteer Program for Tax Abatement: Kuchinski
reviewed the concept of the program funded by town meeting last
fall and the process by which the voucher system will work for
this program.   Motion 3/18/97.3: move that the Selectmen approve
the program as outlined in which eligible senior citizens will
request to participate in order to reduce tax payments for the
fiscal 1998 year.   Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.
Motion carried 4-0.

IX. Set Salaries of elected officials: Time was spent discussing
the option of updating the salary of the Town Clerk to her
counterparts in other towns.  Salary range and job statutory
duties were identified as reasons.  A motion made by Flynn with
second by Murdoch was withdrawn and replaced with this one:
Motion 3/18/97.4: move that the Board of Selectmen set the salary
of the Town Clerk as $35,020.   Motion by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  

Motion 3/18/97.5:  move that the Board of Selectmen set the FY98
salaries of all other elected officials with a 3 per cent
increase from the FY97 salary rounded up to the nearest dollar.
Motion by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

X. April Meeting Schedule: Meetings to continue weekly but
consideration will be given for possible cancellation.   Motion
3/18/97.6:  move to set the Board's meeting schedule for each
Tuesday evening in April (April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 1997). Motion
by Jones with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  

XI. Announcements: (1) Kiwanis Club - Family Safety Day Saturday
May 10, 1997.  Club president Carole McCormack has requested the
designation of May 10, 1997 as Family Safety Day and has asked
for the use of the Town Hall grounds for a Bicycle Rodeo.  She
also noted that the annual spaghetti supper will be that evening
at Camp Kiwanee.  Motion 3/18/97.7: move that the Board of
Selectmen designate May 10, 1997 as Family Safety Day in Hanson.
Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion 3/18/97.8: move that the Board of Selectmen authorize the
Kiwanis Club to use the Town Hall grounds on May 10, 1997 for
their Bicycle Rodeo.  Motion made by Flynn with second by
Murdoch. Motion carried 4-0.    (2) Hanson Rotary Spring Dance:  
Spring Fling Dance - Dale and the Duds 25th Anniversary Tour -
Saturday, April 26, 1997 at Camp Kiwanee $7.50 per person.
Tickets available.  (3) Sunrise Service Request:  Pastor Craig
Milco has requested the grounds and use of electrical outlet for
sunrise services.  Motion 3/18/97.9: move that the Board of
Selectmen approve the request to use the Town Hall grounds by the
First Congregational Church of Hanson for Sunrise Service on
Sunday, March 30, 1997.   Motion made by Jones with second by
Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.

XII. Acceptance of past Minutes: agenda item placed on hold until
next meeting.
XIII. MMA Regional meeting attendance: Kuchinski noted she will
attend the regional update meeting on Saturday, April 5 in
Sandwich and requested colleagues notify her if any will be
attending the Mansfield or Sandwich meeting.

XIV. Executive Secretary Report: (1) CMS Consultants - Corporate
Medical Services - Nugent discussing possible use of this company
which specializes in employee/injury issues.  More information to
be heard at upcoming meetings.  (2) Hanson Housing Authority
Grant Review:  notice of a required public hearing to be held
April 8, 1997 at which the Town's grant co-ordinator, Noreen
O'Toole updates the Selectmen and the townspeople on how the
grant monies are being spent on the project of renovating the
L.Z. Thomas School into affordable housing units.

XV. Selectmen Action Requests: (1) Kuchinski read a letter from
Ruth Barrows and Louise Perry, relatives of the late Harry K.
Barrows praising the efforts of town personnel in responding to
their recent family tragedy.  Motion 3/18/97.10: move that a copy
of the Barrows/Perry letter praising the efforts of Dispatcher
Judy Hatch, Police Officer James Perron and Firefighters Eric
Hutchins and Ken Caron be placed in their personnel files.  
Motion made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.
(2) Opening - Historic Commission: former Selectman Bruce Young
informed the Board that a resignation from Mr. Borgiano makes
necessary a request to the citizenry for someone to come forward
to fill the vacancy.  (3) Street Lighting Committee: resident
Randy Gould requests to meet with the Committee.  Kuchinski
requested Nugent to forward the request to the Police Chief who
acts as chairman of that Committee in order for him to post a

XVI. Adjournment: Motion 3/18/97.11: move to adjourn.  Motion
made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.
Adjourned at 10:50pm.